Land Crew

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  • Applications have closed
  • Full Time
  • Anywhere
  • Applications have closed

Website PT Arutmin Indonesia

PT Arutmin Indonesia

To become the coal mining company that excels to fulfill energy needs and provide a positive impact on its stakeholders.


  • Achieve the company’s business goals by increasing productivity through effective and efficient operations.
  • Support government programs in fulfilling the needs of environmentally-friendly energy resources and create sustainable values for communities and the nation.
  • Build a harmonious relationship with the government, communities, and corporate partners in reaching our business goals.
  • Support nature and environment conservation by building sustainable values under Government programs.

PT Arutmin Indonesia sedang membutuhkan karyawan berpengalaman untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :

Land Crew

Kualifikasi :

  1. Pria maksimal 30 tahun
  2. Minimal D3 Teknik Pertambangan atau jurusan yang relevan
  3. Keterampilan verbal dan komunikasi yang baik
  4. Mampu memecahkan masalah dan komunikasi
  5. Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
  6. Mampu bekerja dalam tim maupun individu
  7. Jujur dan memiliki integritas yang baik
  8. Nilai yang lebih baik jika tahu tentang alat survey
  9. Lebih disukai memiliki bidang external

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PT Arutmin Indonesia