Surveyor Officer

PT Cakrawala Langit Sejahtera

PT Cakrawala Langit Sejahtera (CLS) is an Indonesian mining service provider that is committed to provide sustainable services based on the best expertise and integrity.

In order to develop the company’s business in the Tabang area, East Kalimantan, we need a dynamic workforce, have high work motivation, like challenges, and are committed to a career with us to fill the following positions:

Surveyor Officer

Job Description :

Drafting a contract, reviewing, controlling the implementation of the contract, advising and early warning to the user, preparing and polishing the implementation of the special project (if any), and preparing a progress claim event through effective coordination with the Finance Division and Legal to ensure the availability of agreements/contracts that are mutual benefit and budget that has been determined in supporting the effectiveness and operational efficiency in the project and supporting the smooth billing and payment process.

Qualification :

  1. Bachelor (S1) of Geological Engineering/Geodetic/related field
  2. Max 35 years of age
  3. Minimum 3 years experience in the same position in mining industries
  4. Proficient in Microsoft Office, Visio, Mining Programs (Surpac, ArcGis, AutoCAD, Global Mapper and others).
  5. Proficient in measuring instruments (Geodetic, Total Station, Theodolitte, Waterpass, Drone, etc).
  6. Mastering bathymetry and photogrammetry measurements.
  7. Attention to detail for analyzing and reporting.
  8. Have good communication & attention to detail
  9. Willing to be Placed on-site (Tabang – Gunung Sari – Kaltim)

Contact us

PT Cakrawala Langit Sejahtera