Junior Civil Engineer

  • Full Time
  • Indonesia
  • Applications have closed
  • Full Time
  • Indonesia
  • Applications have closed

Website PT Madhani Talatah Nusantara

Since being first established in October 2001, Madhani has developed into a major service provider in the construction and mining industries in Indonesia. Madhani is capable to deliver a diverse range of services to a consistent high standard to meet the needs of a rapidly developing resources sector.

Our mining services are being delivered to various small, medium and large scale mining projects, each utilizing a combination of local knowledge and international experience. We offer practical solutions delivered in an environment of close co-operation with our clients and all stakeholders to ensure we provide competitive, innovative and high quality services with a positive impact on local communities and the wider natural environment. Our skilled and motivated employees are our key asset in who we are and what we do.

We are hiring!

Junior Civil Engineer

Tugas utama:

  • Membuat desain, menghitung estimasi biaya serta mengawasi dan mengontrol jalannya pekerjaan konstruksi di lapangan sesuai dengan rencana yang telah ditetapkan dan memastikan tercapainya target pekerjaan dengan tetap mengutamankan keselamatan kerja.


  • Minimal D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun sebagai civil engineer diutamakan dari perusahaan kontraktor pertambangan.
  • Usia Maksimal 30 Tahun.
  • Menguasai Autocad 2D & 3D, Cost Estimation, Sketch Up, Project Management, Office Application.
  • Mampu bekerja mandiri dan memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik.
  • Bersedia penempatan di area site dengan sistem roster.

Contact us

PT Madhani Talatah Nusantara