Website PT Surveyor Carbon Consulting Indonesia
As one of the mining industry’s most trusted surveyor companies, Surveyor Carbon Consulting Indonesia, PT (SCCI) is committed to providing the best services. With its vast experience and expertise, SCCI is involved in sampling, analysis, supervision and control, monitoring and stockpile management, collateral management and exploration services.
We continuously uphold our independence. Right from the start, maintaining integrity is our priority and we always regard it with utmost importance”, “Infrastructure-wise, we are well prepared. Be it our human resource competence or our laboratory facilities, which overall have been well accredited,” SCCI has been authorized by the Indonesian government to carry out export verification of mining commodities, as well as other aspects of the government’s programs.
We are hiring!
- Pria, min. S1 Jurusan Teknik Geologi / Teknik Pertambangan.
- Fresh graduate, lebih diutamakan berpengalaman di bidanganya min. 1 tahun.
- Memahami ISO:IEC 17020.
- Menguasai MS Word, Excel, Power Point.
- Jujur, inovatif, berinisiatif tinggi, bertanggung jawab, dan dapat dipercaya.
- Mampu bekerja secara team maupun individu dan dibawah tekanan.
- Cekatan dalam bekerja.
- Disiplin, mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.
- Sudah Vaksin Covid-19.
- Berkepribadian baik.
- Tidak pernah terlibat narkoba dan pelanggaran hukum lainnya.