Mine Plan Engineer – Data Analyst (GDP)

  • Full Time
  • Anywhere
  • Applications have closed
  • Full Time
  • Anywhere
  • Applications have closed


RIMAU GROUP is owner company for coal mining, shipping, and trading company.

Coal Mining : PT. SenamasEnergindo Mineral & PT. Rimau Energindo Mining

Shipping      : PT. Rimau Shipping & PT. Tri SuksesWanatama

Website       : www.rimaushipping.com ; www.trisukseswanatama.com

Trading        : PT. Tunas Binatama Lestari

Restaurant   : Wang Dynasty

Huge mineable asset drive us to growth our capacity & market expansion in Indonesia. We realise our long term aspiration to be the integrated &sinergic company is a power to growth in heart of Rimau Group.

RIMAU GROUP employees positively impact the lives of millions. We commit to innovation, safety, and competitive advantages. So, we wait you to answer our challenge & chance, with proven performance &  capacity to grow. A fun professional environment & attractive benefits package make RIMAU GROUP an employer of choice.

People is our investation. You’ll be selected based on your competencies and needs of company. If you’re the right people, right skill, right place & right time, Let’s join with our winning team & Let’s we can growth together.

RIMAU Group hiring! need an employee to fill this position as :

Mine Plan Engineer – Data Analyst (GDP)

Kualifikasi :

  1. Usia maksimal 35 tahun
  2. S1 Pertambangan/ Statistik
  3. Bisa mengoperasikan Ms. Excell ,Ms. Work, Power point
  4. Kemampuan komunikasi dengan baik
  5. Berpikir kritis saat memecahkan berbagai solusi dari permasalahan yang ada

Jobdesc :

  1. Mengembangkan dan memelihara database.
  2. Melakukan analisis data terkait pencapaian produksi periodik
  3. Membuat laporan hasil analisis data.
  4. Mengumpulkan data yang berkualitas dalam tim

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