Construction & Installation Manager

Website PT Buma Group

We are a local Papuan company who has experiences in Oil and Gas projects including in BP Tangguh.

We are hiring!

Construction & Installation Manager


  • Having bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering or related
  • Having min 15+ years of experience in the same role within oil and gas, Petrochemical, Fertillizer and Power plant industry with project experiences covering from conceptualization, Pre-FEED, FEED, EPC
  • Capability and broad knowledge in manaaging construuction and installation activities in onshore oil and gas projects
  • Having skill in operating and process simulation using AutoCAD, ETAP, PDMS, Stood Pro, Caesar II or other related engineering software
  • Strong knowledge and trning or project planning, pproject risk, project quality, strong leadership and supervisor skill
  • Excellent written and spoken Bahasa Indonesia and English communications skills

Job descriptions:

  • Oversee the day-to-day operations at the construction site, Ensuure all activities are carried out according to plans, specifications, and safety stadards Monitor and control the workforce and subcontractors to ensure quality and productivity
  • Develop, manage and implement constuction shceduules to ensure the timely excution of the projject, work closely with the project management team to coordinate construction activities with engineering, procurement and other departments
  • Track the progress of constructio n activities and prepare regular progress repports for senior management, stakeholders, and clients, Ensure that the project stays on track in terms of timelines, budgets and dellverables
  • Addres any construction-related issues that arise during the project, including tecnical challenges delays, and resouurces shortages. Decelop and implement solutions to minimize project disruptions
  • Ensure that all construction activities comply with local, state and national regulations, maintain accorate record for inspections, safety auudits, permits, and other documentation required for copliance
  • Ensure that at constuction activities comply with quality standards and regulatory requirements
  • Ensure that workers follow safety protocols to prevent accodents and ensure compliance with regilatory safety standards, implement and enforce safety policies and procedures on the construction site

Subject: Construction Manager_Name
