Jr. Surveyor
Evolving from the value of kindness, Limin Marine & Offshore has a track record and good quality with a source of pride and responsibility that we provide and has always been dedicated to providing the best service.
As a one-stop offshore marine services company, Limin Marine & Offshore Trying to support all types of offshore operations, offering innovative vessel and logistics solutions while improving cost effectiveness, all in an effort to improve productivity and client satisfaction. the expansion of the fleet has been given high priority, particularly the expansion into higher value segments of the offshore support vessel industry, where Limin Marine & Offshore leading industry players in Indonesia.
Currently, Limin Marine & Offshore operates a wide range of Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) is ready to handle a variety of jobs needed to support a growing list of international oil and gas company. deep sea drilling in Indonesia is a relatively new development, but there is significant potential for a lot of new oil and gas concessions in the sea area off the coast.
We always pay attention to the ship and the quality of the crew, together with Limin Marine & Offshore experienced in the oil and gas industry offshore, has earned the trust of the major players in the oil and gas industry offshore in Indonesia, especially those related to ships specially equipped with a Dynamic Positioning system (DP1 and DP2) required for deepwater drilling.
Limin Marine & Offshore already has a fleet of more than 12 offshore support vessels ready for long-term and spot charters, operated by an experienced crew of Indonesia. Using advanced information technology systems, motion Limin Marine & Offshore can be tracked by satellite systems and monitored in real time with Tim shore based ship. ship supply and maintenance is controlled by a dedicated software interfacing onshore and offshore operations.
We are hiring!
Jr. Surveyor
- Memiliki latar belakang pendidikan S1 Fakultas Teknik Geodesi, atau mahasiswa yang sedang tunggu skripsi.
- Berusia max. 30 tahun.
- Memiliki IPK minimal 2.8.
- Mampu untuk melakukan komunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan.
- Memiliki kemampuan belajar.
- Bersedia untuk bekerja dibawah tekanan.
- Pernah menggunakan software EIVA NAVIPAC adalah sebuah nilai tambah.
- Bersedia di tempatkan di lokasi kapal tempat project berada.
- Warga negara Indonesia.