Learn QGIS Quickly: Comprehensive Beginner’s Course for GIS Mapping

Rp 75,000

Units Sold: 1

This course provides an introduction to the open source GIS software QGIS, and covers the basics of using the software for mapping and analysis.



QGIS For Beginners Course is an online course designed to help you learn the basics of QGIS, the leading open source Geographic Information System (GIS). This course is perfect for those who are new to GIS and want to learn the fundamentals of QGIS. The course covers topics such as creating and editing vector and raster data, working with projections and coordinate systems, and performing basic analysis. You will also learn how to create maps and use plugins to extend the functionality of QGIS. The course includes video tutorials, hands-on exercises, and quizzes to help you master the basics of QGIS. With this course, you will gain the skills and knowledge needed to use QGIS for your own projects.