Speed and performance hallmarks of latest MinePlan release – Hexagon

By Jose Sanchez, Product Marketing Manager

Creating a complete and robust plan relies on solid data that can be collected and used quickly and easily. Planning engineers are always updating and improving their plans with as much available information and details as possible.

MinePlan now brings you more ways to obtain information while planning and apply details to your plan to create more reliable and realistic plans: from receiving reserve data as you design to reconciling and updating planned vs actual models, to adding operational details.

MinePlan Release 2 2022 brings new functionality to MinePlan 3D, MinePlan Schedule Optimizer, and MinePlan Project Evaluator, along with vast improvements in performance and speed. Here’s a look at the latest and greatest.

Improvements to the latest MinePlan 3D

MinePlan 3D is the hub of all Hexagon’s mine planning tools and activities. The latest release improves performance and responds to customer feedback.

The new reserves engine is now integrated into the Autoslicer tool, allowing you to select between legacy and new reserve logic setups to slice by tons as a target. Now you can quickly generate shapes to help meet planning requirements.

The new reserves engine can be used in the Pit Expander, enabling you to select between legacy and new reserve logic setups to run bench reserves while designing your pit. Audit pit reserves during the design process to ensure best design and comparison with strategic pit optimization.

Optimal and manual scheduling combined in MinePlan Schedule Optimizer

MinePlan Schedule Optimizer (MPSO) ensures optimal scheduling with great detail. Hexagon has enabled mid-range planning and hybrid scheduling, combining optimal and manual scheduling.

Block Schedule Coding is a new feature which allows you to code back MPSO period and destination schedule results to the block model. This reconciles optimization and operational models and assists in pre-targeting material for short-range planning and grade control.

Rashel Rasi, Senior Mine Planning Specialist, explains the functionality of Block Schedule Coding in a Tech Tip video.

Shovel Control assigns shovels to areas, phases, benches, and cuts in advanced constraints. You can limit the number of shovels applied to a given cut per period. This will help generate more operational schedules by controlling shovel allocation and movement.

Rashel Rasi, Senior Mine Planning Specialist, explains Shovel Control in a Tech Tip video.

A faster, more powerful MinePlan Project Evaluator

Improved with speed and greater performance, MinePlan Project Evaluator ensures your long-term plan starts with an economically optimized shell.

Skip invalid cases in a task with multiple runs. This allows multi-case runs to continue regardless of invalid cases, and without the need to monitor process time.

You can also now limit your pit optimization by an existing surface. This will speed up run time for optimization as fewer blocks will need to be analyzed.

To download the latest version of MinePlan or other product releases, visit our Client Center or contact technical support to find out more about the release.